Disebut kopi Kintamani dari Bali karena ditanam di kawasan Kintamani yang memiliki ketinggian sekitar 900Mdpl. Ciri khas kopi arabika Kintamani adalah adanya tambahan rasa fruitty. Ada rasa jeruk yang unik.karena penanaman kopi ini ditempatkan bersebelahan dengan jeruk. Dengan proses pengolahan Natural process, karakter frutty akan lebih terasa.
Cupping notes : Cherry, chocolate, brown sugar sweetness, floral aroma dan medium bodied.
Called Kintamani coffee from Bali because it is grown in the Kintamani area which has a height of about 900Mdpl. The characteristic of Kintamani arabica coffee is the addition of fruitty flavors. There is a unique citrus flavor. because this coffee planting is placed next to the orange. With the natural process process, the frutty character will be more pronounced.